Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete

Acrylic Bonding Agent & High Strength Admixture

Product Features
• Improved cement hydration and bonding properties
• Resistance to impact, moisture, and chemicals
• High flexural strength and bond strength

Standard : ASTM C348, ASTM C882, ASTM C109, ASTM C190
Color : White

Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete is a 100% acrylic latex used as a high strength admixture and bonding agent for portland cement mortar and concrete. It provides excellent resistance to impact, abrasion, moisture, and attack by acids or other water-soluble chemicals.

Substrate Preparation

Remove all loose, unsound, or contaminated concrete from area to be repaired. Roughen concrete surface. Pre-wet concrete and allow surface to dry before applying Crocodile Acrylic Boncrete.


Use as an Admixture

Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete can be used for patching applications. Mix Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete 1 liter with water 2 liters and portland cement 5 kg and sand 13 kg

Use as a Bonding Agent

• For Slurry Bond Coat: Mix Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete 1 part with portland cement 1.5 parts is suggested to provide a creamy thick bonding slurry. Apply by brush or broom

• For Neat Bond Coat: Apply by brush or roller on the concrete. Wait until the bonding film is clear and dry to the touch before applying mortar or concrete

Usage Ratio
• For Cement Mixing Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete 7.5 liters per 50 kg of cement
• For Priming Crocodile Acrylic Bondcrete 1 liter per 3 sq.m


  • Do not use as a neat bonding agent for any vertical, overhead, or structural applications, or with rapid setting cementitious products.
  • The minimum recommended application temperature is 10°c. Temperature must remain at least 24 hours.


  • Admixture may cause injury to skin or eyes. Use of rubber gloves, dust masks, eye protection, and other safety equipment is recommended.
  • If contact with eyes occurs, flush immediately and repeatedly with water, and then contact doctor immediately.
  • Avoid contact with skin. Wash thoroughly after handling.
  • Keep out of reach of children


  • It should be kept in a dry place and the temperature is not too high to avoid product’s degradation.
  • Shelf life for 1 year since manufactured date.